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Writer's picture: Debbie ReeveDebbie Reeve

Having grown up in the Christian and Missionary Alliance, I think I have taken it for granted that missions, or cross-cultural evangelism is an understood and expected practice of the Christian Faith.

I wondered why my Masters’ program had a course on Missions that needed to theologically defend its’ position. Since then, I have come to discover that missions is not defined the same way, considered necessary or even acceptable among all believers across the world.

The concept of raising funds or being dependent on others for a wage is even repellent to some, especially in our Western context.

Being raised as an extremely independent person, I must admit that I have had my own challenges with depending on others to help support us in ministry overseas.

It was a dear friend in Indonesia that gave me another perspective. She said that not everyone is called or able to leave home and work overseas but everyone could be part of the eternal impact by partnering with us.

It was like investing in a start-up company that had guarantee returns that would exponentially reap fantastic eternal dividends. (as opposed to .02%!)

God owns the company, and we are the workers. We are giving Investors the privilege to invest in the God kingdom business. And His returns beat anything in this world.

That really helped change my perspective on “Raising Support” for going overseas.

But to be totally honest, a big part of my reluctance to ask for support had more to do about putting my pride of independence on the shelf and putting my trust completely in God to supply all our needs.

I have struggled with fears about our future during these 5 1/2 years that we have stayed in Canada to care for Warren's Dad, living on savings and a part-time job.

But God has supplied all our needs in such unexpected ways.

It was a daily challenge to engage active faith to reject those fears and say;

“Yes I trust you God to provide for today, tomorrow and for our future retirement”.

It is the struggle of independence to dependence. From depending on my own ability to supply my needs to trusting God’s ability to supply all my needs.

Put in those words, it seems like a no-brainer.

So, where is God challenging you to move from self-dependence to God-dependence?

We would like to formally extend an invitation to you to invest in God’s kingdom

work in Paris France, in partnership with us. Paris has been resistant to the gospel in the past but we believe there is a new wave of openness to the things of God, fields to be planted and harvested.

We see the need to reach the English speaking expatriates in Paris who are seeking a place of belonging, a place to find God and a spiritual family.

Would you like to partner with us to invest in kingdom ministry with exponential eternal returns?

It certainly beats .02%.

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